Friday, 5 June 2020

Saturday Tipping Competition - Still Sidelined (6th June)

Hi Everyone, 

All players should have received this 

I trust you are keeping safe and well. 

It seems a long time between drinks but thankfully the racing has resumed. 

However, we will not be having a tipster competition this month so please do not send any money or tips for Saturday 6th June. 

I've had problems with Paypal who seemed to create a storm in a teacup about me using their platform regarding ''gambling, lottery, etc'' or whatever they imagine, and for a time my account was limited which isn't very good as I use it for business. 

Anyway, I will use this month to figure out what is best regarding the Saturday Tipster Competition but to be fair it looks unlikely it will be continued in the future which is a shame. 

I will get back to you all at the end of this month with an update. 

Please note, anyone in credit will be refunded on 4th July or before if they wish.

Thanks for your support, 

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