Friday, 6 April 2018

April's Tip Comp - Week 1

It has been a long time since the last tip competition but we are resuming this month. I'm not sure if everyone will be back to play but we will soon find out. Gazmachine won last month and looking to show some form this time round. Anyway, the time for talking is done for now and all we need to do is done our tipping caps and think winning thoughts. As a thank you for your support, I will add £25 to the tip comp prize out of my own pocket. Please make your £10 competition entry via Paypal to jason_coote@hotmail.com (friends and family so it doesn't cost me commission). Get those tips in nice an early as we have a 1pm deadline. 

Good luck to all.

Tipster selections:

1:30 Kempton       - Disruptor 1pt ew (Bird) 5th
1:30 Kempton       - John Betjeman 2pt w (Longbow)3rd
1:30 Kempton       - Lihou 2pt w (HCE) 1st (8.66pts)
1:30 Kempton       - Dixieland 2pt w (Gazmachine) Unp   
1:30 Kempton       - Gingerdunthelot 1ptew (Shukman) Unp 
2:05 Kempton       - Tomily 2pt w (Eric Winner)3rd
2:05 Kempton       - Tomily 2pts w (Jodonovan) 3rd
2:25 Kelso         - Mirsaale 2pt w (Mark J)Unp
2:25 Kelso         - Mirsaale 2pt w(Poo) Unp
3:00 Kelso         - Yala Enki 2pt w (Dan The Man) 6th
5:00 Kempton       - First Mohican 1pt ew (Racing Mama)7th
7:15 Wolverhampton - Fire Diamond 2pt w (Betmanmike)1st (26pts) 
7:15 Wolverhampton - Rock Warbler 1pt ew (Rawnsley)7th 

Good luck to all