Friday, 9 December 2016

December's Tip Competition - Week 2

So the first week has been concluded. Only one scorer - Jodonovan hitting the mark with a lovely winner and 14pt in the bag. As the story goes: ''Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat...'' That's me with the hat.  With five weeks in this month, there is still plenty of time to make that Xmas-come-New Year all the more festive and prosperous. Get those tips in nice and early. 11:30AM Deadline. 

Tipster selections:

1:40 Lingfield     - Wiesentraum 2pt w (Betmanmike)Unp
1:50 Cheltenham    - Buywise 1pt w (Bird)  7th
1:50 Cheltenham    - Thomas Brown 2pt w (Mark J)6th
3:00 Cheltenham    - Mr Miyagi 2pt w (Winter) 6th
3:35 Cheltenham    - Debdebdeb 2pt w (Shukman) 3rd
3:45 Newcastle     - Cornwallville 2pt w (Jodonovan) Unp
4:15 Newcastle     - A J Cook 2pt w (Ericwinner) 4th
5:15 Wolverhampton - Oberyn 2pt w (HCE)Unp
5:15 Wolverhampton - Her Terms 2pt w (Longbow)2nd
6:15 Wolverhampton - Smart DJ 1pt ew (Rawnsley) Unp
6:15 Wolverhampton - Divine Call 2pt w (Mixerman)5th

Good luck to all